and other paths
- Documentary film about those who are healed and Living foods/Raw vegan food or some other life transformation has played a role in healing
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Updated 28th of Nov 2013
Stalkers in Talvivaara
In the beginning it felt like a daydream. "A God's gift for the whole Kainuu region" wrote a local newspaper in 2007. And the hype was spread around the world. New green, almost organic and cheap bioheapleaching methods could bring a revolution to mining.
But nobody was told about hundreds of thousands tons of uranium which would come out from the stone along with other metals of nickel, copper and zinc.
a documentary video for UN

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Campaign for Northern Forests by Indigenous Sami Ended Successfully in Finland
ANAR, Finland -- Sami reindeer herders and Finnish governmental forest enterprise Metsähallitus have agreed on a deal concerning the long-lasting dispute on reindeer grazing forests in northenmost Finland.
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Press release 28th August 2009
Victory in Saami forests
- Saami reideer herders and Greenpeace pleased with the resolution
The long standing conflict between Saami reindeer herders and Finland´s State forest service Metsähallitus has been resolved in Northern Lapland, Nellim.
The agreement saves the majority of mature forests in the area for the next 20 years.Greenpeace believes that twenty years is enough time to find a permanent solution to the conflict between traditional reindeer herding and forestry.
International attention helped
The conflict has been going on for decades. A resolution was finally made possible after a heavy struggle by the reindeer herders and international campaigning by Greenpeace. One part of the growing international attention has also been the documentary made of the conflict. The movie Last yoik in Saami forests? has been screened in 35 film festivals around the world and also in Universities and ngo-screenings.
Look more:
-As a documentarist I am very happy if the movie has had a positive effect and for the next screenings it is fine to have the possibility to tell these good news, says director Hannu Hyvönen.
The next film festivals for the documentary are in September in Green Screen Festival in Germany and in Zagrebi Ekofestival in Croatia.
The big hope among Saami reindeerherders is now that a similar solution could be achieved in the other Saami reindeer herding regions as well.
More information:
Press release 12.2.2009
Finnish government stepping up logging operations in Saami reindeer forests
Battle over Finnish Saami forests gains attention at International Film Festival
The documentary movie 'Last Yoik in Saami Forests?' about forest conflicts in
Finnish Lapland, has won an award in the "Green Planet Blues" ecological movie
festival in Romania. The festival was the first-ever film festival focusing on
environmental issues in Eastern Europe.
Last Yoik, directed by Finnish Hannu Hyvönen, tells the story of a conflict
between traditional use of forests and modern industrial forestry. The Finnish
government is logging some of the world's northernmost forests and thus harming
the traditional reindeer herding livelihood of the indigenous people of North
Europe, the Saami.
The forest conflict has been a subject of heated debate in Finland since 2005,
when environmental organisations such as Greenpeace publicly joined with the
reindeer herders and Saami organisations to oppose the destructive logging. As
a result of the conflict, UN Human Rights Committee has ordered the Finnish
state to stop logging in some of the disputed areas, and the Finnish paper
giant Stora Enso was dropped out from an ethical investment listing because of
their wood purchases from the disputed forests. Since 2005, major forest
industry companies StoraEnso and Metsäliitto have refused to buy wood from the
disputed areas, but Finnish governmental forest enterprise has started selling
the conflict timber for heating plants and smaller traders. Last Yoik follows
the conflict through 2005 to this day, and shows the many ways of social
pressure that fell heavily on people who stepped up to oppose the logging.
-What raised the interest of the public in Romania, still recovering from the
heavy dictatorship of Ceaucescu, was the fact that even in a European democracy
measures that resemble totalitarian way of ruling are used, says film maker mr.
Hannu Hyvönen.
While the almost intolerable situation of the indigenous Saami reindeer herders
is the main aspect of the documentary, the audience also found the fate of
northern wilderness forests important. For many, it was hard to understand that
the fragile Northern forests of Lapland are being cut down only to be used as a
raw material for pulp and paper, or to be burned in heating plants.
-It is the Finnish government who are to blame for the bad situation and not the
Finnish people. Finns do appreciate the Saami culture. The problem is that in
our country there has not been an open dialogue about the conflict, and the
great majority of Finnish people do not even know what is happening in the
forests of Lapland. We were hoping that this documentary would have opened up
the discussion but up to this date no Finnish TV company has agreed to
broadcast the movie, says mr. Hyvönen.
'Last Yoik in Saami Forests?' has been shown on the Swedish television, SVT, and
will soon be broadcast in Estonia. The documentary has been screened in around
thirty film festivals around the world and has received several awards.
The conflict over Saami Homeland's forests is heating up again. This winter, the
Finnish governmental logging enterprise Metsähallitus has announced new plans
to log in the forests that Saami reindeer herders have mapped as vitally
important for reindeer grazing. Repeated calls by the reindeer herders to save
the forests their livelihood depends on have not changed the government's
plans. Simultaneously, Finland is still struggling to ratify the ILO 169
Convention on indigenous peoples' rights.
Director Hannu Hyvönen concludes:
-It seems that we need an international solidarity movement to support and
protect the Saami rights, their culture and the Northern forests.
To arrange public screenings of the movie please contact Hannu Hyvönen.
The movie can also be downloaded in mp4 format from:
The dvd can be ordered by sending a message to info[at]
For enquiries contact
Hannu Hyvönen, telephone +358 40 831 7733
Press release 8.11.2008 Finland
Last yoik accepted in competition section in
Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival in China
Documentary movie, Last yoik in Saami forests? has been accepted in the competition section of the Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival in China
This festival is Chinese state level international professional event and market focusing on documentary which started in 2003. The festival held in Guangzhou annually includes the following major activities: A thematic Competition, Documentary Market, Public Screenings and Seminars. GZ DOC 2008 will be held from December 1 to December 5. The theme of the competition this year is Earth - Our Home
Look more:
Other festivals in November
During November the documentary is screened also in some other international and Finnish film festivals.
Movie is taking part in Cine Gaia - International Environmental Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro
The premiere in France is in Paris:
Festival International du Film d'Environnement, Cinema La Pagode, Paris, 2008
The director of film will be taking part in discussion after screening.
The first screening in Russia is television film festival in Murmansk
In Finland there is two screenings. Its screened in Wildlife Vaasa film festivals where it was awarded by
Environmental Special Award by West Finland Environmental Centre
On sunday 23th November the documentary is screened in Lens politica- film festival in Helsinki.
The director Hannu Hyvönen will be taking part in the discussion after screening.
More info
Press release 23.9.2008
Iisalmi FinlandLast yoik in Saami forests accepted in human rights film festival in Scotland
Document 6 International Human Rights Documentary Film
Festival (15-19 October 2008)
The movie is screened on Sunday 19 October at 4.45pm
More info of the festival:
More info of the documentary:
info at
Press release 18.7.2008
The best film on relationship between man and changing nature
Last yoik awarded in Pärnu Film Festival
The XXII Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival awarded Last Yoik in Saami Forests in 12th July in Estonia.
-This awaed belongs to all of us who have worked with the prosess, specially to those one who had courage to express their thoughts in documentary, said director Hannu Hyvönen in award seremony. The jury spoke out the hope that this important documentary should be shown in Estonian television and hopefully also finally in Finnish television.
-I really hope that we could open the real dialogue in Finland about the forest conglict and Saami rights.
- Its necessary for other fenno-ugrian people to know what is going on in Finnish Upper Lappland today, said Hannu Hyvönen in Estonian television interview made by festival leader, film maker and parlamentarian Mark Soosaar
-We were very glad of having Hannu Huvönen's film in the program of XXII
Pärnu Film Festival. Estonia faces the same problem: under the pressure of
huge and powerful international companies sacred forests of our ancestors
are in serious danger to die. The ecological system of forests is quite
complicated and fragile. The forest isn't just a number of trees. The forest
is a home for many species - hundreds of different plants, insects, birds,
animals. The forest is a place were life is born and must be continued...
Mark Soosaar
Head of Pärnu Film Festival and MP of Riigikogu
More info:
Look videoclips from award seremony here:
Protocol of awards of the XXII Pärnu Film Festival July 6 - 27, 2008
GUGARA by Andrzej Dybczak and Jacek Naglowski
- Grand Prize of festival for the best artistic achievment
MAKING RAIN by Liivo Niglas and Frode Storaas
as the best scientific audiovisual recording
as the best film on survival of indigenous peoples
as the best film on relationship between man and nature
OAK #419 by Robert Harding Pittman, the special mention of jury
as the significant film on citizen¹s movement
PARADISE by Jerzy Sladkowski
as the Prize of French Amabassador
Members of the international jury:
Kersti Uibo (Chairman)
Priit Pedajas
Mati Põldre
Elo Liiv
Pille Runnel
Õie Sarv
ALYOSHA by Meelis Muhu
- as the best Estonian film
Jury for Estonian films:
Edward Lucie-Smith
Carol Salter
Andreas Fischer-Hansen
The Estonian People¹s Award according to the televoting on Estonian TV:
MOTHER by Antoine Cattin and Pavel Kostomarov
Press release 1.7.2008
The best topical relevance and interpretation
- Last yoik awarded in Global Indigenous Film Festival in Nepal
The indigenous peoples film festivals in Katmandu were a great success for the organizers
There were more than fifty movies invited in film festivals and Last yoik in Saami forests? was one of four awarded.
-There was lot of interest on the situation of Saami people and the role of Finnish state in the conflict was a surprise for many, comments Hannu Hyvönen, the director of the movie. -I had to address that the conflict is not between Finnish ordinary people and the Saami. Most of Finnish cityzens respect Saami culture. However, unfortunately this conflict has not got enough room in Finnish main media and people just dont know the destrcution what happens in Saami home area in Lapland. In this situation we are really happy and honoured of the award. All attention for the situation is helping to raise the needed discussion.
The situation in Nepal is now extremely interesting specially by the viewpoint of indigenous peoples in Nepal.
There exists a great cultural diversity in the country with more than 100 ethnic groups with their own languages and culture. The number of indigenous people is about 40% of the whole population.
Earlier these people were the most lowest cast but now when the feodal kingdom has collapsed and Nepal is seeking its way to parlamentarism the situation is changed. The optimism among indigenous peoples was strongly present also in film festivals.
Hannu Hyvönen made lot of documentation and interviews on the situation in Nepal and those footages can soon be seen in this webpage.
If needed more info, please dont hesitate to contact:
Hannu Hyvönen
p. 0408317733
Press release 2th May 2008
Invitation to indigenous film festival in Nepal
We are very honoured to get invitation to Nepal International Indigenous Film festival held in Katmandu 4.-7.6.2008
Press release 17th April
The film "LAST YOIK IN SAAMI FORESTS?" has been selected to take part in International Documentary Official Section to compete for the Golden Sun Award from 15th Catalonia Environmental International Film Festival that will take place in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) next June (31st May-8th June)
Press release 31.3.2008 Finland
Festival tour continous in East and West
We are happy to announce that these three interesting film festivals has accepted our documentary ( go to film page ) in their programs:
The Global Green Indigenous Film Festival
April 18-20, 2008 in Santa, Fe New Mexico
2008 Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival
May 1-4, 2008 at the University of Washington in Seattle
Green Film Festival in Seoul (22~28 May, 2008)
Press release 22.3.2008
Kathrine Kight Award in Earth Vision Film festivals
The festival trip in the grass root film festivals in Santa Cruz was successfull and interesting experience.
The documentary Last yoik in Saami forests?
was awarded with Gatharine Knigt Award. The director of the documentary took part the festivals and made there also two videoworks.
-I heard about the ongoing tree sitting demonstration in campus area and wanted to look what it about. What I find is an extraordinary combination: university in wilderness. Unfortunately it seems that this unique special quality of that university is not fully understood and developing plans treat to destroy the spirituality and ecology around the university.
Look the video here:
More info: hannu[at]
Press release 30th February 2008
Last yoik in Saami forests going to Earth Vision International Environmental Film Festival
We are proud and happy to announce that the US premiere of Last yoik in Saami forest ? - documentary for UN (final version) will be screened in Earth Vision International Film Festival on Tuesday March 4th at the Rio Theatre, Santa Cruz
EarthVision International Environmental Film Festival 2008 celebrates its 10th year of highlighting films about crucial ecological issues, providing a venue for independent filmmakers from around the world and inspiring people to get involved in creating positive change for the planet.
EarthVision 2008 will be held March 3rd - 8th, 2008 with a special screening for Act Locally on Earth Day in April. Award winning films will be screened at the Mello Center in Watsonville and at the Rio Theatre and the Veteran's Memorial Hall in Santa Cruz. EarthVision will culminate with a celebration honoring the filmmakers and people on the front lines of the environmental movement.
The director of the documentary Hannu Hyvönen will be in Santa Cruz during the whole festival. Contact: hannu (at)
Read more:
Press release 19th February 2008 - Finland
Case of Finnish forestry and indigenous rights
Illegal logging in Saami home area in Lapland?
Finland Institut in Deutchland is arranging a documentary screening and panel discussion on the situation in Finnish Lapland. The event is on Thursday 21th February in University of Humboldt in Berlin.
Read the program here:
PDF File
Read the whole press release > here
Skábmagovat -the Indigenous Peoples Film Festival in Inari, northernmostFinland, is arranged for the tenth time January 23rd to 28th, 2008. The
theme of the festival this year is beside Sámi films also Native American
film production.
Read more:
The documentary Last yoik in Saami forest? has its presentation in Sunday 29th January:
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Press release 25.9.2007
Last yoik in Saami forests in Planet in Focus film festival in Canada
*Planet in Focus* is Canada's most acclaimed International Environmental Film and Video festival. The annual film fest showcases compelling documentaries, animation, dramatic features, shorts, and experimental works that celebrate, question, and establish varied ways of viewing the state of our world.
The 8th Annual Festival scheduled to take place October 24-28, 2007. View the festival schedule here:
For the festival screening we have made the updated version of the documentary. The latest move of Finnish state own company was to start logging in conflict forests in May 2007. But becouse no one of the big paper companies did not want to buy that wood, the stocks from wilderness ended up to the local energy company to be burned for heating.
The president of Saami Parliament, Pekka Aikio gives his answer to the question: Why Finnish state and Inari county are burning down Saami forests.
More information from the director and producer
Hannu Hyvönen hannu[at] tel +358408317733
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Last yoik in Saami forests - Germain premiere of the documentary in Globians Film Festivals
Home page:
The whole program of this higly interesting festival can be read > here.
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Presentation in Sodankylä Filmfestivals 17.6.2007
Finnish version Viimeinen joiku Saamenmaan metsissä is shown in Sunday 17.6. in Sodankylä Filmfestivals.
The whole program can be read > here.